Dr Mahony is currently Master of the National Maternity Hospital (NMH) in Dublin. NMH is one of Europe’s largest maternity hospitals, delivering almost 10,000 infants annually and is a major Irish Tertiary Referral Centre providing advanced obstetric, neonatal and gynaecological care. Dr Mahony is an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, a Specialist in Maternal and Fetal medicine and an Honorary Clinical Professor with RCSI. Dr Mahony is a Fellow of the RCOG UK, and of the RCPI in Ireland. In 2016 she was awarded an Honary Fellowship of American College of O&G. In 2014 Dr Mahony became an Eisenhower Fellow spending time in the USA as part of a Multi-Nation leadership Programme. In 2013, Dr Mahony founded the National Maternity Foundation, which supports the work of the Hospital. Dr Mahony is a member of the Institute of Directors Ireland and serves on the board of the Little Museum of Dublin.