A protection order is similar to a safety order, meaning that the violent partner remains in the home, but is ordered not to use violence, threats or molestation. If the person is not living with you, it may also prohibit them from watching, or being near, your home. Protection orders may also prevent him/her from following you or communicating (including electronically) with you or a dependent person.
It is a temporary order, put in place until the full hearing for your safety, or barring, order takes place.
How to apply for a protection order?
If you want a protection order while you wait for the full hearing for a barring, or safety, order, the District Court Judge will hear your case on the day you make your application.
How long does it last?
A protection order will only be in place until the full hearing of the barring, or safety, order.
Who can use a protection order?
They are available to anyone who has started applications for safety, or barring, orders and if the court decides that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the safety or welfare of the applicant is under threat or any dependent person requires a protection order to be made pending the full hearing of the barring or safety order, one will be made.
Other types of orders
Learn more about your rights.