#FaceUpToDomestic Violence – Election 2016 Rally – February 16
SAFE Ireland is asking all candidates and political parties in General Election 2016 to Face Up to Domestic Violence and make it a defining issue in the new Programme for Government.
Our agreement is useless without action
If there is one issue that all political parties in this Election agree on it is the need to address domestic violence. There have been welcome developments in policy, legislation, awareness and recognition of the complexity of domestic violence.
This work must continue. We can strive to make Ireland the safest place for women and children.
First 100 Days
- We are calling for leadership and commitment, within the first 100 Days of the next Government to ensure that these three crucial actions become a reality for women and children.
- Allocate an additional €30 million annually (from 2017) to address immediate gaps in our struggling services, from the Gardaí to specialist domestic violence services to the provision of safe housing. This will also allow for vital education and prevention work, research, and training to help us face down domestic violence.
- Appoint a Minister and Department to spearhead a determined, whole of Government response to the complexity of domestic violence, from health to education to justice. We also need the establishment of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Domestic Violence, already promised.
- Enact new legislation on domestic violence and victims rights, with a commitment to look at the definition of domestic violence as a matter of urgency. Heads of these Bills were introduced in 2015 but they have not progressed since.
Powerful Message
SAFE Ireland has a comprehensive strategy to transform the response to domestic violence – to make Ireland the safest place for women and children. These three steps are simply the beginning.
If the next Government commits to these three powerful actions in the first 100 days, it will be sending a very powerful message to thousands of women and children in every city town and village in Ireland. A message they have been waiting to hear for years.
It will be telling them that, finally, their government, their country and their fellow citizens are prepared to Face Up to Domestic Violence.