We are committed to providing vital support to women and children. As part of that, we strive to make Safe Ireland as effective as possible. An important element of that is having a governance structure in place that makes us accountable and transparent.
Limited company
Safe Ireland National Social Change Agency CLG, trading as Safe Ireland, is a company limited by guarantee. It does not have a share capital and is registered in Dublin, Ireland. Registered company number: 291205.
Registered charity
Safe Ireland National Social Change Agency CLG is a registered charity: Charity number 20039677; Revenue CHY number 13064.
Governance Code
We have successfully completed the adoption journey for the Governance Code. The Governance Code is a code of good practice for Community, Voluntary and Charity Organisations in Ireland.
Organisational structure
Safe Ireland staff are experienced and committed. They work with the management team and the CEO to ensure the organisation is implementing its strategic plan. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors, who provide clear direction on important decisions.
Board of Directors
There are four directors on the current Safe Ireland board. They provide vital expertise on:
- Governance
- Strategic planning
- Financial management
- Funding
- Organisational development
- Culture and change management
- Human resources
- Networking
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
- PR and Communications
Board Trustees
Chairperson – appointment is pending
Michael McNaughton is a qualified accountant with experience across a range of industries. Michael currently works as head of operations and Chief Risk Officer at the Health Insurance Authority. Prior to joining the Health Insurance Authority, Michael was Head of Finance at Coillte, Ireland’s state forestry agency, where he worked on state net zero targets. He previously held roles in financial regulation in the NHS and in professional services in Dublin. Michael has a particular interest in unconscious bias and has developed and delivered Unconscious Bias Training programmes in a number of semi-state and state organisations. Michael holds a degree in History and Politics from Trinity College and a Postgrad in Accountancy from Technological University Dublin. Most recently, he has undertaken an MBA at UCD Smurfit School.
Patricia Carey currently serves as a Ministerial appointee to the role of Special Advocate for Survivors. Her role is to manage and facilitate consultation with survivors of Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby or County Home Institutions, Reformatory Schools and related institutions, and those adopted, boarded out, or the subject of an illegal birth registration to identify and discuss issues of concern to them. She served as the CEO of the Adoption Authority of Ireland from 2014 to 2022. During her tenure, she led a significant expansion of the Authority, particularly in relation to the implementation of the historic 2022 Birth Information and Tracing Act. Prior to this role, Ms Carey held the position of Director of Services for St. Vincent De Paul. For over three decades, Ms Carey has been an active change leader and activist, contributing her time and expertise to various volunteer leadership roles, including Chairperson of Connect Counselling for Survivors of Institutional Abuse and a founding member of Outhouse resource centre for the LGBT+ community. She currently is Chairperson of Loreto College Crumlin Board of Management. Patricia joined the Board of Safe Ireland in June 2024.
Lianne Rooney is a higher education professional with experience in student support, staff training and development and gender-based violence prevention initiatives. Lianne currently works in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the technological university sector and specialises in gender equality strategy development.
Christina van der Kamp is Head of Public Affairs and Stakeholder in Gas Networks Ireland, the semi-state organisation responsible for operating Ireland’s €2.8bn, 15,000km national gas network. She is responsible for planning, developing and implementing the organisation’s Public Affairs strategy and overall Stakeholder Management strategy. Christina previously worked in Uisce Éireann and has over 20 years’ experience in communications, advocacy, charity and sustainability roles. She holds an MSc in Science Communication, post graduate diploma in Innovation for Sustainability and a Degree in Media Production. She is also a member of the Public Relations Institute of Ireland.
The Board is supported in its work by the:
- HR Subgroup
- Finance and Governance Sub Committee
Code of Governance Principles and Policies
The board of Safe Ireland has adopted a Code of Governance Principles which comprises of five overarching principles each with key policies
Governance Code Principles Statement (PDF)
Safe Ireland’s Constitution
Safe Ireland National Social Change Agency CLG Constitution 2016